Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grandpa Time!

Gauche Park and Grandpa's House
On our first full day in California, my dad took the day off work and picked us up to take us to lunch and playtime at the park.  Then we went back to his house and William got to play with one of the highlights of his trip, the Imaginext Dragon Castle.  Then we relaxed outside and Grandpa taught William how to hit and and throw a baseball.

Sunday Afternoon Barbeque and Homemade Ice Cream
On Sunday, after church and naps, we headed back to Grandpa's house for some more Dragon Castle fun and barbeque ribs.  We celebrated an early Father's Day with a couple of gifts, a Navy tee shirt and a framed scrapbook page of an interview with William about his grandpa.  Then after relaxing and visiting, we were treated with my dad's famous homemade ice cream.  Mmmmmm!

San Francisco Trip
My dad suggested a trip to San Francisco so we headed out in the morning to spend the day in the Foggy City.  On the way, I wanted to stop at the new Nut Tree shopping center.  It has a kid's play area that is new and cool in an old school way.  When was the last time you saw teeter totters and a push merry-go-round?  There was also a carousel, rocking horses, giant checker and chess boards, and a little train that went around the park.  After William ran himself ragged, we had lunch at Fenton's Ice Cream.  Then we crossed the bay and headed for the Exploratorium in San Francisco.  I had been there once as a kid and thought it was cool.  It was science nerd heaven and I was very bored, but William liked checking out all the stuff and pushing buttons so I endured it for him.  This must have been what it was like for my mom when we went there 20+ years ago.  On the way home, we stopped in Vallejo to have dinner with my uncle Gene, who is always a hoot.  It was a big day and we were all exhausted when we finally got back.

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