My ward did a musical presentation of The Ten Virgins. It was quite the production. We worked really hard on it. It's a shame it was only for our ward's Relief Society birthday celebration. I played a wise virgin who was known throughout the village as being a woman of service. I know that the fourth picture down looks like I was a woman of "cold ones." That was supposed to be a vessel for extra oil for my lamp. I had a lot of fun with this. I had forgotten how much I love being on the stage. Can't wait for the next production!
4 years ago
A "woman of service"?? Is that like a lady of the night? Sign me up!
Talk them into doing Joshua, or even The Little Mermaid (you as Ursula or course..)
Oh, there's so many things I can say right now.....
Its true though, you are meant for the stage!
I got a kick out of Sean's comment
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