Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Welcome Home, Sean!

Sean had his first trip on board his ship, the USS San Jacinto. Although he was only gone 10 days, we missed him and we were glad to have him home. William and I went to the pier to pick up Sean and watch his ship pull into port. It was cool to see how these tiny tugboats move these massive ships into the port.

I didn't realize it would take so long for the sailors to be released after docking. After 2 hours standing around the pier with a fussy, bored baby, someone suggested I go up to the ship. I had no idea where to go once I got there so I asked the first officer I saw. Luckily the man I asked was the SUPPO (Supply Officer), Sean's boss, and he took me right in to see him. He was pleasantly surprised and happy to show off William to the other crew members.

It's great to have Sean home again until his seven month deployment in early November.

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