We just had our Relief Society 170th Birthday Celebration. It was wonderful! I got to plan, decorate and serve fancy food. I was in heaven! The theme was "Open the Gift" based on the message of the Relief Society General President, Julie B. Beck. She says we should "open the gift" and read the book "Daughters in my Kingdom." It was a great message and we ran with the "gift" theme, with a bookmark gift to each sister. We started at 6:30pm with hors d'oeuvres and punch. I purposely made not enough for everyone so we would run out in about 15 minutes. That way we could make it an incentive for everyone to come on time in the future. I'm sick of starting 20 minutes late! Anyway, we had lovely event. We served chicken salad sandwiches, scalloped potatoes, salad with feta, cranberries, and almonds, and assorted fruits. Our program was great and very moving. We had three speakers and a couple of musical numbers. All were fabulous! Then we ended with some birthday cakes (red velvet, carrot, and cheesecake with cherries). I believe everyone had a great time. I look forward to the next activity. I love having an event project to work on!
4 years ago
I am interested on what you used for the talks and the song selections. this sounds like a great program. any help would be appreciated! jandbissysmom@msn.com
Love your idea. Thanks for all the photos and for sharing with us. We are always looking for great ideas like you had here.
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