We went to Sean's command Christmas Party. It was fabulous. Down to the free babysitting! We all got raffle tickets and the prizes ranged from a big screen TV to Best Buy gift certificates. After a yummy buffet dinner (our table got picked first to line up), we waited for the big event of the raffle drawing. The prizes were being handed out but we had a great table with good company. Then things got exciting. The DJ asked for 8 volunteers to come up onto the dance floor. Me, being a sucker for the lime light, scooted up there. It was easy since our table was right next to the floor. They set out 8 chairs and had us sit down. Then we played "Scavenger Hunt." This was when the DJ would tell us an item to get (a hat, napkin, nickel, business card, etc.) and as we searched for each item, one chair was removed and the last person back without a chair was out. I had a lot of help from Sean and those who sat at our table. He would get the item and toss it my way so I could be back at my chair before everyone else. Sean's CO even cheered me on. There are rumors that I beat down a girl in heels, but I claim she got caught up in my elbows. Anyway, I totally won! The prize was unknown and gift wrapped so I got to unwrap it in front of everyone and there in my hands was a Playstation 3!!! Whooo-Hooo! I don't think I touched the ground the rest of the night, I was so giddy. After a few dances, Sean and I left early to check that bad boy out. Besides, we didn't need to wait for the rest of the prizes. Before we left, my actual raffle ticket was chosen for a $50 gift card. I declined (they wouldn 't have let me take it anyway). I was bombarded with several congratulators and many wanted me to pick their winning lottery numbers. For someone who craves attention, this was the perfect evening!
4 years ago
ok- your blog title was so decieving! I thought maybe you had made a new chicken recipe for dinner and your family loved it :)! but it was much more exciting than that! Congrats on your prize, how fun! That will teach me to never volunteer for anything!!
Ha-ha! I love the title, I know the origins. That is so amazing-congrats! The best I've ever won from Tom's Christmas party is a poinsettia-yours is WAAAAAY better.
Lol, I was thinkin' more along the same lines as Krisha, but that it great!! Congrats...have fun! Keep Smiling! Life's gr8! See ya later..
I can totally appreciate your blog!!! I won prizes for 4 out of the 6 games at our work Christmas party, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it took pushing people around during the orange dance and using my hips to throw someone aside during our scavenger hunt. Do I feel bad about it?! Not at all. That 50 dollar gift card to Target, 20 to starbucks, 25 to Kohls, 25 to Macy's, and Fondue Pot made it TOTALLY worth acting the fool!!!
That is awesome! I myself never win a darn thing.
Congrats on the awesome prize! That girl in heels had no chance going up against you!
WOOHOO is right. I don't know a guy out there that wouldn't have been so proud of his woman as Sean probably was of you!! How exciting Heidi!! Congrats!! What an amazing Party favor too. Yeah, totaly thought you won a chicken dinner somewhere nice. Which would have been better than nothing, right? :) I wanna go to your guys' christmas parties. :)
Just wanted to say Hi and letcha know that I'm gonna be making our blogs private, so if you would like to send me an email at
lia86_04@hotmail.com I will add you. :-)Keep Smiling!! Life's Gr8!!
MeRrY cHrIsTmAs and HaPpY nEw YeAr!
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