I have so many things wasting my time online (MySpace, Facebook, IMDB, Homestarruner, etc.) that I have neglected the upkeep of my scrapbooking website. I logged on to look at it hoping to be inspired to add another post. I couldn't believe what I saw. All of my Google ads were hijacked for online pharmaceutical websites. My poor little website was turned into a drug dealer! I had to consult Sean in how to fix this. It's tough because these hackers are so relentless. When I blocked one ad, ten more come up. I hate that my site is promoting second rate prescription drugs but I hate even more that it prevents me from making any money on my website. I get paid by how many clicks a day I get on the ads. Scrapbookers don't usually have ED problems so my click rate has gone way down. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not a drug dealer on the side and I am trying to fix the problem.
4 years ago
Can I order some heroin please?
Thank-you so much for dinner the other night. I had some of the left overs for lunch today and it was so good. Steve was nice and brought me some cheese cake to the hospital, it was yum-o! Thanks again, you're such a great friend. Cute back ground by the way! I really like it!
I'm glad that you are surviving the crazy weather we are having here in the East. When does Sean get home? Hopefully sooner rather than later. I'm sure you two are ready for him to get home now! Anyway- I think about you guys all the time and wanted to drop a line. ----Rach
Your opening picture of William is so beautiful..
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